Who is writing to you

My name is Irene and I am a mother of two lively boys.
My days are fulfilled with laughter and true emotions and I cannot image living a happier life than I do right now.
My life took many turns until I got what I always wanted: being able to be a happily married stay-at-home-mom.

Formerly I used to work in a corporate environment and I was willing to work my way up to the top. When I finally realised that wasn’t actually what I was intented for, I quit. Sounds easy, but really wasn’t. I lost a lot of ‚friends‘ and also my long-term fiancé. I had to learn the hard way to get back on my feet – alone, but also with the strong support of my family. I am so lucky to have them.

After some time I got back to work at a corporation, however in a totally different field – in primary education. And that felt way better to me, I can promise you.

However, with the birth of my first child, my plans changed again. My husband and I decided, that it would be best for my child and our little family, if I stayed at home for as long as possible. And here I am, more than 5 years and a second child later: still enjoying motherhood to the fullest and not regretting a single moment, that I did not go back to my 9-to-5-job in the office.

As I have always enjoyed learnig myself and also giving private lessons – even when I was a young student – I still focus on learning. With my boys I tend to vary between playing and learning. Of course they need a lot of fresh air and movement, so that gets included in our days as well. I can tell you: my life with two young boys that need action and entertainmaint, is far from boring now.

To keep them entertained as well as let them learn everything they are interested in, is fun but work. So I like to create various activity sheets for them as well as some bucket lists. I do this lists mainly for myself, to keep an eye on things they would like to explore as well as places and ideas that come to my mind when I think about the different seasons and holidays. 

So I think that is enough about me for now 🙂

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and I hope I can help and inspire you.
Irene 2